
نجمة “الحب الحقيقي” تنشر فيديو اللحظات الأولى بعد الإنفجار: “المصابون يمشون مثل الزومبي في الطرقات”

نشرت الممثلة يارا فارس، نجمة مسلسل “الحب الحقيقي”، مقطع فيديو للمرة الأولى توثّق فيه لحظات ما بعد الإنفجار في شوارع الأشرفية مُعلّقةً “المصابون يمشون مثل الزومبي في الطرقات”، ولفتت إلى أن الفيديو يتضمّن بعض المشاهد القاسية والمُدمّرة.

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As I rushed out of the building after the blast to try to get to a hospital, I was shocked and devastated by the sight of destruction everywhere!! People were injured walking around like zombies, we were all wondering what was happening what was this apocalyptic scenery!!? And I don't know if it was strength, or just because I work on tv and I know footage like these are rare and important, and the whole world needs to see this disaster…or just the sad fact that all Lebanese are born and raised with fear of a disaster, war or explosion, and deep down are strong and ready to face anything!! But I started filming everything around me thinking we won't be able to come back home… What you're about to see is the struggle my family and everyone affected by the explosion had to go through in order to get to a hospital and save their lives! The images you're about to see are very strong and devastating. Share, let the whole world see, let the people rise and justice prevail!! #livelovebeirut #portofbeirut #beirutexplosion #beirutblast

A post shared by Yara W. Fares يارا وَليد فارِس (@yarawfares) on

وعادت ونشرت يارا فارس في الساعات الماضية صوراً جديدة لها من المستشفى بالإضافة إلى لقطات تُظهرها مضرّجة بالدماء بعد إصابتها وزوجها في الإنفجار.

وطلبت يارا فارس من متابعيها نشر صور جروحاتهم لأنها تشعر أن البعض نسي ما حصل بعد مرور أسبوعين فقط على الإنفجار.

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Two weeks since the #Beirutexplosion . Two weeks…and it feels like people are starting to forget! I hesitated a lot before sharing these pictures. This is a reminder of what happened on Tuesday the 4th of August 2020 at 6:08pm. My apparent wounds are starting to heal. Although mine are a lot less worse than others. I was lucky. Some people weren't. I survived! Some people didn't! Apparent physical wounds are slowly healing…but the emotional psychological hidden wounds are still intact. Getting worse. It is really important to talk about it, let it all out! Share your wounds with the world. Let everyone know! NEVER EVER FORGET!! Swipe to the last slide to see my injured husband minutes after the blast. #livelovebeirut #beirutexplosion #beirutblast #portofbeirut #injuries #survivor

A post shared by Yara W. Fares يارا وَليد فارِس (@yarawfares) on


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